3 Companies in total -: Penny Stock idea + New darkhorsestock idea + Dividend paying idea Infographic
Company-: https://wp.me/p8WeZG-1p6
Sector-: Cements
Key Aspects-: Completely debt free | Cash balance of 124 crores
About -: This company is engaged in manufacturing and selling of Ordinary & Special Portland cement. As compared to other cement companies growing at 8-10% this Co is expected to grow at 20% , one of the fasted growing cement companies.
New Darkhorsestock idea
New darkhorsestock Idea -: For pro users only
Price-: 1080 Rs
Company-: https://www.darkhorsestocks.in/new_idea.html
( Enter mobile and email on above link to view company name )
Sector-: Healthcare
About -: Let’s hope this third wave would be the last wave. With that this company , a completely debt free engaged in the healthcare industry, providing various diagnostic services would be a nearly perfect one to ride the wave. ( Users are requested to go over financials section)
Sanofi India over the past several years has been consistently paying very high amounts of dividends. In 2019 it paid Rs 349 in dividends and in 2020 it paid Rs 365 in dividends. For the current year dividends are expected to be declared around April 2022.