Almost pennycap idea, completely debt free co, engaged in adhesives and sealants
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🔥 Darkhorsestock Update:
🚀 Anup Engineering: +9% yesterday, trading at Rs 3600+ from Rs 630. (1.8 years)
🔥 Holding company Update:
🚀 Dhunseri Investment: +10% yesterday, +72% since presented (6 months)
🚀 BF Investment: +12% yesterday, +42% since presented (1.3 years)
🚀 Kalyani Investment: +15% yesterday, +157% since presented (1.3 years)
🚀 Nalwa Sons: +8% yesterday, +15% since presented (1 month)
🔥 Pennycap Update:
Lloyd Engineer: +20% yesterday, +60% since presented (6 months)
🔥 New Darkhorsestock Idea
- 💰 Price: Rs. 100
- 🏢 Company:
( Please use google login to view the idea )
- 📊 Sector: Adhesives and sealants
- 🔑 Key Aspects: Debt-Free Company
- ℹ️ About: This is a microcap company specializing in manufacturing a diverse range of consumer adhesives and sealants.
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