New Darkhorsestock Idea-: This company having Book value of investments equal to 5000 crs while Mcap is just 2500 crs, is a part of is a part of the 85 years old Ramco Group.
-Price-: 287 Rs
- Company-:
( _Click on the above link for name and report_)
- Sector-: Fibre Cement products
-Book Value (Investments) -: 590 Rs
- Key Aspects-: Holding Significant amount of shares of group companies, Focus on Rural growth, Big beneficiary of Infra and Construction boost in the economy etc.
- About-: This company is a part of the 85 years old Ramco Group , engaged in the business of manufacture of Fiber Cement (FC) sheets and Calcium Silicate Boards (CSBs).
- Market Update-: As small and midcap stocks are down a lot of users have been sending queries on what approach should they adopt while investing in the markets as a result we have provided a short market outlook as well as the Strategy which we at darkhorsestocks follow for investing in turbulent market conditions. Users are requested to check the same.