New Darkhorsestock Pick Idea - Piyush Goyal is very confident of big growth in Textile Sector.
Company -:
Current Price-: 1234Rs
Sector-: Textile
Key Aspects -: Governments thrust on Increasing growth of Textile sector.
This is a completely debt free company based out of Coimbatore in Southern India. Company is engaged in the manufacture of premium quality Compact and Elitwist cotton yarn for hosiery and weaving as well as many other types of cotton products. It is an established player in the international and domestic yarn market with exports constituting roughly 70% or more of its revenues.
Cotton Mills | Textile Sector | Cotton | Yarn | Export - Import | Long term investing.
Invest only if you can bear the pain of loss and have patience to hold the stock for long term.
Market is all time high. From time to time and once again we are requesting users to keep booking partial profits . Just because the sentiment is bullish does not mean market will keep going up. The fall as always will be quick and steep without giving you any opportunity for exit including all DARKHORSESTOCK ideas as well. Some of our ideas which have gained significantly may also witness huge correction therefore anything and everything you own , you are advised to book partial profits. The returns we have seen over past 1-1.5 years may not be possible over next year and no matter how hard we research there may be some stocks which can fall leading to losses. Therefore once again you are cautioned.