New Darkhorsestock Idea - This company's subsidiary has filed DRHP for an IPO with Sebi.
This week we have covered two of most requested things by so many users. First is to suggest company below 200 Rs & second one is to suggest company which is about to hit market for Ipo via Public Issues/ Ofs .Idea suggested last week-:
New Darkhorsestock Idea - This company's subsidiary has filed DRHP for an IPO with Sebi.
New Darkhorsestock Idea - This company's…
New Darkhorsestock Idea - This company's subsidiary has filed DRHP for an IPO with Sebi.
This week we have covered two of most requested things by so many users. First is to suggest company below 200 Rs & second one is to suggest company which is about to hit market for Ipo via Public Issues/ Ofs .Idea suggested last week-: