If you are receiving this email either you have been subscribed for darkhorsestocks or you might have been suggested by one of our analysts.PENNYSTOCK IDEA -: Every once in while we suggest one new penny stock pick to educate users about analysing the company having good growth potential and trading at very cheap valuations.Note-: Here the penny stock may not be literally penny stock as per standard definition but what our reader call is anything trading under 100 Rs and with a very small market capitalisation.Our Website-: www.darkhorsestocks.inRequest you to not ask for our Identity, as our analysts have requested to keep their identity discreet due to their association with esteemed research firms which could put them in jeopardy.
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If you are receiving this email either you have been subscribed for darkhorsestocks or you might have been suggested by one of our analysts.PENNYSTOCK IDEA -: Every once in while we suggest one new penny stock pick to educate users about analysing the company having good growth potential and trading at very cheap valuations.Note-: Here the penny stock may not be literally penny stock as per standard definition but what our reader call is anything trading under 100 Rs and with a very small market capitalisation.Our Website-: www.darkhorsestocks.inRequest you to not ask for our Identity, as our analysts have requested to keep their identity discreet due to their association with esteemed research firms which could put them in jeopardy.